Are Coconut Oil-Based Lubricants Good For You?
Are Coconut Oil-Based Lubricants Good For You?
by Wanda C
The discourse surrounding the use of natural oils or oil based lubricants online can be very confusing. However, there are a few reasons why you would want to chose a coconut oil based product for your next session in bed.
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Vaginal dryness and dyspareunia (pain) occur in many women, being especially prevalent in pre- and post-menopausal women. These conditions are uncomfortable and embarrassing, and affect the sex lives of many individuals. They can also lead to unfulfilling sexual relationships and psychological distress, such as a significant reduction in self-confidence.

Pre- and post-menopausal women who go to a medical professional about this issue are often prescribed Estrogen Containing therapies (ECT), which help to increase vaginal lubrication.

These treatments (usually only relevant for older women), are expensive, and are linked to some potentially serious side effects.


Many times, especially in younger women, the condition itself is dismissed, either by the individual themselves (it’s not bad enough to pay to see a doctor to get it treated) or by the medical professional.

Can coconut oils and other lubricants improve sex when we need a little help?


Both water-based and oil-based lubricants are an effective way to manage sexual discomfort, and to improve sexual experiences. There are pros and cons to both.

In general, oil-based lubricants last a lot longer, which is an important factor for women experiencing vaginal dryness or pain.

A small study done by Albornoz Et Al., showed that coconut oil was generally preferred over other lubricants and ECT products when used by women who experience vaginal discomfort during sex.

Using coconut oil as a lubricant showed that it could increase the duration of vaginal moisture during intercourse and increase the intensity of orgasm during intercourse. Using coconut oil as a lubricant can be a more accessible way to enjoy sex.

The study also found that a better sexual experience resulted in more positive psychological states and well-being overall. The use of coconut oil was actually linked to a better relationship with their partner.



But… will using coconut oil for lube give you an infection?

There are still some lingering concerns that oil-based lubricants may increase the risk of vaginal infections.

This might be potentially because of where you get your coconut oil from, and how it’s stored. People usually add coconut oil to their lubricant rotation because they are looking for a milder and more natural alternative to water-based lubes (which contain preservatives to maintain freshness).

However, the lack of preservatives might also work to their detriment. Because oils usually do not contain preservatives, they can be susceptible to microbial attack if water gets introduced into the product.

This can occur especially, when you are re-dipping your hand into a jar of coconut oil, or storing that bottle of coconut lube in a humid environment.

This is why it is very important to ensure your coconut oil-based lube is manufactured under clean conditions and is correctly stored and packaged to prevent the product from deteriorating or becoming contaminated.

In fact, Coconut Oil when administered in a medical setting (78% cream), has shown antifungal activity against vaginal Candida infections(3). Coconut oil also has compounds (Caprylic Acid, Acid and Lauric Acid) which has been shown to inhibit Candida Albicans(4)


1. Albornoz M A, Burke J F, Threlfall E K (June 16, 2023) Virgin Coconut Oil in Paste Form as Treatment for Dyspareunia and Vaginal Dryness in Patients With and Without Rheumatic Autoimmune Diseases: An Efficacy and Safety Assessment Pilot Study. Cureus 15(6): e40501. DOI 10.7759/cureus.4050

2. Antony, M., 2020. Effectiveness of coconut oil application for vaginal dryness among postmeno pausal women. TNNMC Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing, 8(1), pp.13-17.

3. Sheidaei, S., Jaafarnejad, F., Najafzadeh, M., Rajabi, O., Sadeghi, T., Dadgar, S. (2018). 'Comparison of the Effect of Vaginally Administered Coconut Oil and Clotrimazole on Candida Species', The Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility, 20(12), pp. 58-66. doi: 10.22038/ijogi.2017.10431

4.Kannan N, Mohammed A. Comparative evaluation of antifungal activity of cocos nucifera oil against candida

So, next time you’re wondering whether you try a water-based lube, oil-based lube, or some good old-fashioned coconut oil, just remember that there are pros and cons to each, and to listen to your body.

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